SemEval 2025

Task 8: Question Answering on Tabular Data

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Our SemEval 2025 task consists of Question Answering over Tabular Data making use of the newly developed DataBench benchmark. DataBench is the first benchmark composed of real-world table datasets from different domains and with large size of rows and columns, as well as a wide variety of data types that allow to assess distinct sort of questions related to each data type.

We propose a task to encourage participants to develop a system that answers the questions of the kind present in DataBench over day-to-day datasets, where the answer is either a number, a categorical value, a boolean value or lists of several types. DataBench can be used as a training and validation set, while we will release another test set explicitly compiled for the task competition.

The system developed by the participants will be provided by a series of (dataset, question) pairs and will need to provide an answer which would then be compared with a gold standard.

The answer might be achieved through a variety of methods. In our paper we illustrate two different approaches: In-Context Learning and Code Generation. You may use any of these or come up with your own approach.

Sign Up

You can sign up for the competition and make submissions at our Codabench Page. Please join our Google Group and follow us on X to be up to date with the latest news on the competition.

Subtask I : DataBench QA

Participants will be provided with a dataset (of any size) and a question over it. The question should be answered using the data from the dataset only.

Subtask II: DataBench Lite QA

The task is essentially the same as the previous subtask, but involves using the sampled version of each dataset with a maximum of 20 rows per dataset (see explanation on DataBench Lite). The question should be answered using the data from the sampled dataset only. For the test set, we will similarly provide a reduced version of each dataset for this subtask. This task is especially relevant when testing for models with a smaller window size.


The dataset is available under the following conditions.

  1. It is to be used for non-commercial purposes only.
  2. All publications on research based on the dataset should give credit to the author and the publisher, in particular: Paper: Citation:
    title = "Question Answering over Tabular Data with DataBench: A Large-Scale Empirical Evaluation of LLMs",
    author = "Jorge Osés Grijalba and Luis Alfonso Ureña-López and
    Eugenio Martínez Cámara and Jose Camacho-Collados",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024",
    year = "2024",
    address = "Turin, Italy"
  1. Results may not be shared between teams.
  2. You will be able to make use of the whole DataBench suite, while we will release 15 additional datasets with at least 20 questions per set for the testing phase.

Competition Rules

  1. You can form teams and work on the task together.
  2. You are not allowed to use external data to answer the question, since the questions must be answered based on the data from the dataset provided along with the question.
  3. A maximum of 3 submissions is allowed in the final phase.

Important Dates



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